Borrowing Information

Borrowing Limits

Materials checked out from the library have different loan periods depending on the item type and the patron classification. See our full policy page if you have any questions.

Renewing Materials

Materials checked out from the library can be renewed, as long as they are not requested by another patron. There are a variety of options for renewal. Using your IUCAT log-in is the easiest.

Returning Materials

When it's time to bring materials back, here are the places you can drop them off!


Failure to return materials may result in a fine. We list fines and examples of costs on our fine webpage.

Suggest a Purchase [IU Login Required]

If we do not have access to an item that you need to teach your class or for your research, request it using this form.

Request Materials from Another Library

IU Indianapolis students, faculty and staff may use the 'Request This' function in IUCAT to request materials from another IU library.

Recall Materials Request

A patron can request that materials that are currently checked-out be recalled. The patron that currently has the material checked-out must return it after being notified. This is a last resort, after all other borrowing options have been exhausted.

Request Educational Access to Library Subscription Electronic Resources on Another Campus

If you teach classes at another campus other than your home campus, you can request access to resources available at the second campus. Please read the policy and fill out the request form.