Heather Coates
Team: Digital Scholarship
Office: 1115G
Phone: (317) 278-7125
Email: hcoates@iu.edu

As a member of the Center for Digital scholarship, my contributions center on two service areas - research data and research metrics. I provide support for managing data across the research lifecycle, which includes developing data management plans, documenting research and data processes, data retention and archiving, and facilitating data sharing to meet funder and publisher requirements. I am responsible for managing the institutional data repository IU Indianapolis DataWorks and our Data Catalog, which make the research data generated by IU Indianapolis scholars more visible.
Our research metrics team supports the responsible use of research metrics by scholars, administrators, and reviewers. We provide workshops, individual consultations, and a variety of resources to faculty, administrators, graduate students, and librarians.
Beyond the library, I serve as the Indiana University Data Steward for Research Data. If you have questions about research data governance or related processes, see https://datamanagement.iu.edu/ or feel free to contact me.