John P. Cooper
Team: Access Services
Office: UL2116
Phone: (317) 274-0471

In 1988, I started work at University Library as an hourly employee in the Government Documents area, helping process new incoming government documents and assisting patrons in finding and using microforms. This led to my first full-time position as government documents processor and supervisor of the maps and microfilm department. After a few years in this department, I moved to the Access Services Team in 1994. For the Access Services Team, I oversee the daily operations of the Service and Information Desk, where we provide library users with research support, circulate library materials, offer basic technology help, and provide information and directions. I also oversee the daily operations of security for the library. As the Building Emergency Coordinator, I collaborate with the head of Access Services to document and implement the Building Emergency Action Plan (BEAP), in coordination with campus emergency management.