From the Dean's Desk

Big Hairy Audacious Goals
This past semester a colleague asked me, “What’s your BHAG?” I pointed to our 52-point strategic priorities and watched the expression on his face and knew that one can’t have 52 big hairy audacious goals without diluting their audaciousness. I posed to myself, “If I could only focus on 3 goals this year what would they be?” Without hesitation I listed: student success; advancement of equity, diversity, and inclusion; and changing scholarly communication. University Library is uniquely poised to have a significant impact in these areas as they have long been expertise areas for us, where we’ve led locally and nationally.
Student Success at IUPUI
Core to academic libraries mission is support of student research, providing the collections for that research and the expertise to guide use of those collections. Over time academic libraries have become deeply involved in teaching information literacy in the classroom. We recognize our space as a central, comfortable place with food, technology, and expertise that supports study and relaxation which is core to a students’ college experience and success. The library is often a location for high school campus visits and we embrace our role in introducing Indiana’s high schoolers to college life at IUPUI. Finally we’ve come to fully appreciate the value we bring to students by offering robust on-campus employment that doesn’t just provide a much-needed paycheck but also connects to coursework and prepares one for their post-IUPUI careers.
DEI at IUPUI and within the Library Profession
University Library has always embraced IUPUI’s commitment to our Indianapolis community. We call attention to the ground on which the Library resides was once home to a vibrant Black community by sharing the history of their displacement through digital collections and presentations. We embrace our role in feeding a welcoming campus for all who live, work, play, and visit here and that includes checking our own assumptions on what being welcoming means. We affirm that knowledge and a wealth of experiences come from working and learning with folks from diverse backgrounds and experiences. We strive to live out these values in our daily work, for example by reviewing library processes and policies through an anti-racist equity lens and changing when issues are revealed. We believe that for libraries to be great they must include diverse voices and representation in their workforce and so we collaborate with other Indiana leading libraries to strategically celebrate librarians of color while at the same time learning how to promote librarianship as a career to BIPOC communities. We recognize we aren’t always successful in living out these values but we get up and try again the next day because acknowledging a falter and committing to doing better is key to lasting change.
Change in Scholarly Communication
University Library has been a national leader in library-enacted change in scholarly communication through support of open access, open science, open data, and reimagined scholarly metrics. Our librarians and programmers are lead voices and regular contributors to the national development of open scholarly communication tools and networks. We are uniquely skilled to continue to be at the forefront of this change and have progressively shifted our budgetary model to continue to invest time in this quite literally, life-impacting work.
Embrace a Hybrid World
I know, I know, I said there were only 3 BHAGS. I’m adding a 4th as it connects to all the above and again I see us as leaders in area. University Library has modeled a robust hybrid work environment. Our remote work plan includes the opportunity for all to work from home on a weekly basis and has demonstrated that we can do so while maintaining our high level of service. I know we can do even better. How do our library classrooms and meeting spaces change if we commit to hybrid as the norm? How does our internal communication and culture-building alter when we assume we will regularly and simultaneously interact with colleagues in person and online? We can design our space and work in this new environment, demonstrate its value to retention, work-life balance, and top-level service and be a model for both academic libraries and other Indiana University units.

Kristi L. Palmer
Herbert Simon Dean of IUPUI University Library
Summer Hours
For our current hours of operation, please refer to our website.

Faculty & Staff Recognition
Our Library has some pretty awesome faculty & staff members that are constantly serving as leaders, not just at University Library, but also in the overall academic library world. Please help us celebrate recent accomplishments by our some of our beloved faculty & staff members.
- Congratulations to Jennifer James (Resource Acquisition and Description Team) who participated in IUPUI's Spring Commencement as she received her Bachelor's degree in General Studies. Jennifer was also invited into the Golden Key International Honor Society for her academic achievement. .
- Stephen Lane (Reference and Outreach Archivist) was featured in a documentary that aired on WFYI titled Arab Indianapolis: A Hidden History. The documentary is available to view online on the PBS website.
- Congratulations to Eric Snajdr (Educational Services), Rachel Hinrichs (Educational Services), & Paul Moffet (Access Services) for receiving promotion and tenure.
- Sara Lowe (Associate Dean for Educational Services) has been selected as the 2022 recipient of the Library Instruction Round Table (LIRT) Librarian Recognition Award. This award recognizes an individual's contribution to the development, advancement and support of information literacy and instruction.
- Congratulations to Gemmicka Piper (Educational Services) for being the 2022 recipient of University Library's Teaching Award.
Campus Involvement

- At this year's Spirit of Philanthropy awards, University Library honored long-time employee turned retiree James Kendrick. Upon his retirement, James established the George Webster and Odesta Kendrick Scholarship. Named after his parents, the scholarship will give out a financial award to help IUPUI students continue their education.
- This year IU Day was back with in-person events & activities. The Library provided a fun time for guests to show their IU pride by having a digital photo booth in the 2nd floor lobby.
- Learn more about how University Library is now home to a drop-off site for COVID-19 tests.
- As students were preparing for final exams and the end of Spring semester, University Library offered extended hours, a coffee bar, and therapy dogs throughout a two week period to give students that extra boost to make it to the finish line. About 1,100 students took advantage of the coffee bar and 150 took advantage of the therapy dogs.
3D/VR Initiative at the Library

Earlier this year, University Library hosted teaching faculty and students from the IU Kokomo School of Education. The library created a program that included four-40 minutes sessions highlighting Virtual Reality (VR), 3D scanning, and 3D printing. The 50 students put on VR headsets to experience custom-built applications, set in ancient Rome. Some students had their faces scanned using structured white-light scanners; while others 3D printed trinkets that they could take home as souvenirs. A special thanks to faculty members Dr. Elizabeth Thill from the department of World Languages and Culture, IU School of Liberal Arts; Professor Matthew Brennan, Future Faculty Teaching Fellow, Herron School of Art; DeNita Middlebrooks, University Library Client Support; Jason Peercy, Informatics Graduate Student; and University Library student employees.
The mission of University Library’s 3D/VR Initiative is to provide access to and support of 3D scanning, modeling, and VR tools to faculty, staff, and students to transform their teaching, research, and learning. We enjoyed sharing our expertise with IU Kokomo School of Education faculty and students and look forward to future visits
Voting at the Library
For the first time ever, Indianapolis residents were able to vote on the IUPUI campus during the May primaries at University Library. This new initiative was a success (with 267 individuals casting their votes) and will be back for the November 8 election. See our page on voting for more information.
Indy500 Collections

If you are a diehard racecar fan and this year's Indy 500 really energized you, check out some of these collections related to the Indy 500 & Indianapolis Motor Speedway:
Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority 100th Anniversary

For more information on the organization see the Alpha Sigma chapter of Sigma Gamma Rho, Inc webpage.
Library Cards for Residents
Residents of the State of Indiana aged 18 years or older can get an IUPUI University Library Borrower’s Card if they visit our Reference Desk to complete an Indiana Resident Library Card/User Agreement and provide a photo ID and proof of current address.
Would you Like to Make a Gift?
If you are interested in making a gift to University Library, contact Tanika Scott (Director of Development) at 317-278-2322 or You can also visit our Make A Gift page for additional information.
Photo Caption Contest
Our monthly photo caption contest, put on by the IUPUI University Library Special Collections and Archives, is a chance to attach your funny captions to some of our favorite IUPUI photos from our huge collection. Each month, the funniest caption (as judged by the expert judges in Special Collections and Archives) wins a fabulous prize! Click the button below to add your caption to this month’s photo and review previous months.