Indianapolis News

Digital historic Indianapolis newspapers are now included in Hoosier State Chronicles. You are still able to browse and search within the Indianapolis News but now have the ability to cross search this newspaper with hundreds of other Indiana newspapers. We encourage you to begin accessing the Indianapolis News through Hoosier State Chronicles as the IU Indianapolis database will be retired by December 1, 2017.

The Indianapolis News began publication on December 7th 1869. For 130 years it was the oldest Indianapolis newspaper and held the largest circulation in the State of Indiana. The Indianapolis News ended circulation on October 1, 1999. As an evening paper, the Indianapolis News saw a decline that matched a growth in circulation for the Indianapolis Star, the morning newspaper.

IU Indianapolis University Library received funding from the Library Fund, a fund of the Indianapolis Foundation, to digitize the Indianapolis News from 1869-1922.

Offering a contrast to the time-consuming nature of researching bound and microfilm, online access to the Indianapolis News will make it easier for users to locate information pertaining to the history of Indianapolis. The ease of use, speed, and quality of these searches will help researchers to complete their work remotely, cutting down on the need for site visits and long waits for the materials to be released.

Indianapolis Library Fund

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