Bulletin of the Santayana Society

The Santayana Society is an international and interdisciplinary organization, founded in 1980, to further work on The Santayana Edition specifically and to promote Santayana scholarship generally. George Santayana was Spanish born philosopher, poet, critic, and best-selling novelist.

The Society's publication, Overheard in Seville: Bulletin of the Santayana Society appears annually and is devoted to Santayana scholarship. The bulletin includes scholarly articles, announcements of publications and meetings, and recent updates to the Santayana bibliography which is maintained by Kristine Frost of the Santayana Edition. Angus Kerr-Lawson edits the bulletin. It is printed by Graphic Services, University of Waterloo, and it is published and distributed by the School of Liberal Arts at IU Indianapolis to 450 subscribers.

To learn more about the Santayana Society please visit The Santayana Edition website, part of the Institute for American Thought at IU Indianapolis.

"I Stand in Philosophy Exactly Where I Stand in Daily Life": The Special Case of Laughter

"Primeval Automatism" Santayana's Later Aesthetics

"To Be Happy You Must Be Wise"

1950 Painting of Santayana by Harry Wood

1992 Santayana Conference Avila, Spain

A Conversation, Partly Real and Partly Imaginary

A Free Man's Worship: Santayana and Russell on Transcendence

A Liberty Fund Conference on George Santayana

A Life of Scholarship with Santayana by Herman J. Saatkamp, Jr. (Review)

A New Bulletin Website: Other Santayana Sites

A Soliloquy in Limbo

A Sometime Companion

A Winchester Letter of Santayana: A New Letter to Lionel Johnson

American and German Tendencies In the Thought of Josiah Royce

An Abulensean Pragmatist?

An Aesthetic Arbiter of Politics: Revisiting George Santayana's Concept of the Psyche

And We Didn't Even Get His Name: Santayana's Existential Stranger

Angus Kerr-Lawson: 1932-2011 

Angus Kerr-Lawson Prize

Announcement: Frontiers in American Philosophy

Are Metaphysics and Naturalism Contradictory? Santayana's Temperamental Objection to Metaphysics

Artifices of Eternity: The Ideal and the Real in Stevens, Williams and Santayana

Beauty and the Labyrinth of Evil: Santayana and the Possibility of Naturalistic Mysticism

Beauty's Ballad and the Colors of the Gown

Between Spiritual Dissolution and the Invention of the Human: George Santayana and Harold Bloom on Hamlet and the Crisis of Agency

Beyond Truth: Santayana on the Functional Relations of Art, Myth, and Religion  

Bibliographic Checklist: Second Update 

Bibliographic Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Eighteenth Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Eighth Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Eleventh Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Fifteenth Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Fifth Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Fourteenth Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Fourth Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Nineteenth Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Ninth Update 

Bibliographical Checklist: Seventeenth Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Seventh Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Sixteenth Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Sixth Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Tenth Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Third Update 

Bibliographical Checklist: Thirteenth Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Thirtieth Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Thirty-Eighth Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Thirty-Fifth Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Thirty-First Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Thirty-Fourth Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Thirty-Second Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Thirty-Seventh Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Thirty-Sixth Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Thirty-Third Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Twelfth Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Twentieth Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Twenty-Eighth Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Twenty-Fifth Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Twenty-First Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Twenty-Fourth Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Twenty-Ninth Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Twenty-Second Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Twenty-Seventh Update

Bibliographical Checklist: Twenty-Sixth Update 

Bibliographical Checklist: Twenty-Third Update

Bibliography of the Critical Editions of Santayana's Works

Birthday Poem

Buchler and Santayana

C. A. Strong and G. Santayana in Light of Archive Material

Caresses and Insults: A Note On Santayana's Metaethics

Carta desde Espana

Character and Philosophic Creativity--the Example of Santayana

Charity, Interpretation, Disintoxication: A Comment on Gouinlock's Ultimate Religion

Comment on Nancy Ogle's "Santayana and Voice"

Comment on Richard M. Rubin's "Santayana and the Arts"

Concept and Aesthetics in George Santayana

Concerning the Nature of Intent

Considering Santayana's Anti-Modernism -- Two Tales of Conflict

Consolations of an Impotent Spirit

Contingency, Philosophy, and Superstition


Conversations in Rome

Corpulent or a Train of Ideas? Santayana's Critique of Hume

Counting Categories with Peirce and Santayana

David Dilworth on Santayana

Editor's Notes

Emerson, Santayana, and the Two Phases of Transcendentalism: Comments on Beard

First Toast

Forming Harmony: The Rhetoric of George Santayana

Further Conversaciones

Further Reflections on Culture, Humanism, and Individualism in the Context of Santayana's Political Thought

Generated Spirit and Propositional Truth: Comments on Mueller and Atkins

George Santayana

George Santayana and the Genteel Tradition

George Santayana and Wallace Stevens: "The Poem that Took the Place of a Mountain"

George Santayana: A Pyrrhonian Sceptic of Our Time

George Santayana Society News and Activities

Getting on Terms with Elusive Reality: Nature's "Irresistible Dictation" and Grammars of Understanding in Emerson, Santayana, and Cavell


Harry Levinson: 1948-2010

Healthcare for Unique Individuals: What We Can Learn from Santayana

Hegel as Alienist Santayana, Absolute Idealism, and the Normal Madness of Materialism

Help from George Santayana for John Searle against Richard Rorty

Henry Levinson's Santayana: Interpreter and Trickster

Hermes the Interpreter

How John Dewey and George Santayana Help Us Look at John Searle and Daniel Dennett 

Ideal Sympathy? The Unlikely Friendship of George Santayana and Frank, 2nd Earl Russell

In Memoriam: James Seaton

In Memoriam: Jerry Griswold

In Memoriam: John McDermott

In Memoriam: Kristine Frost and Henny Wenkart

In Memoriam: Santayana

In Memoriam: William G. Holzberger

Interpreting Interpretations

Interview with John Lachs

Irving Singer (1925-2015)

Is Animal Faith the End of Philosophy?

Is Healthcare Hazardous to Life? An American Transcendentalist Perspective

Is Santayana Tragic?

John McCormick: 1918-2010

Lachs and Santayana on the Importance of Philosophy

Laws and Tropes

Le Brévent

Letter to the Editor: Santayana's Doctrines of Time

Letters to Charles A Loeser

Levels of Animal Life: George Santayana and a Purely Naturalistic Model of Supervenience

Liberating Spirit from Santayana's Spectatorial Spirituality

Literary Forms, Heuristic Functions, and Philosophical Fixations: Santayana’s Emancipatory Example

Literary Philosophers: Irving Singer and George Santayana

Literary Psychology and Philosophical Method

Lucifer: A Holograph Note

McKeon, Lamm, Levi, and Kerr-Lawson on Santayana

Manuel Garrido Jimenez (1925-2015)

Memorandum by the Hyde Lecturer in France for 1905-06

Memorial Minutes for Morris Grossman

Memorial Notice: Paul Grimley Kuntz

Metaethics for Mavericks: Santayana and Nietzche on False Idols and True Poetry

Mimicking Mrs. Toy

Moral Truth or Empirical Truth about Morality

Morris Grossman on Santayana

Mr. Santayana and the New Mysterians

My Visit to Daniel Cory

New Bulletin Website: Other Santayana Sites

New Cover

New Letters from Santayana

Obituary: Corliss Lamont

Obituary: Margot Cory

Oliver's Last Soliloquies

On Grue and Bleen

On the Absence of Argument in Santayana

On the Supervenience of Spirit

Online Reading Group on Scepticism and Animal Faith

Overheard in Seville

Persons and Places

Persons and Places -- Hold the Events

Philosophy as a Way of Life

Philosophy, Literature, and Dogma: Santayana and the View from Somewhere

Physical Space and Time



Pragmatic Moralism and the Politicization of Philosophy

Pragmatism and Santayana's Realms

Prefatory Notes to The Life of Reason

Psyche Delivered: The Letters of George Santayana

Reading "The Secret of Aristotle" Part I - Imagined Geographies in Santayana and Ibn Sina

Reading "The Secret of Aristotle" Part II - Causality as Radical Instability

Realms and Hierarchies

Reason's Monstrous Origins: Review of The Life of Reason in an Age of Terrorism

Recent Books

Recent Books about Santayana

Remarks from the Pandemic Conference


Report on the 1983 Annual Meeting

Report on the Santayana Edition

Review of Art and Morality: Essays in the Spirit of George Santayana

Review of George Santayana at 150

Review of George Santayana’s Philosophy of Religion

Review of Il senso della bellezza

Review of John Lachs's Practical Philosophy

Review of Kremplewska's Life as Insinuation

Review of Naturalism's Philosophy of the Sacred: Justus Buchler, Karl Jaspers, and George Santayana

Review of Santayana the Philosopher: Philosophy as a Form of Life

Richard Colton Lyon: 1926–2012

Richard Rorty's Misleading Use of Santayana

Rorty has no Physics

Roundtable on Narrative Naturalism

Royce, Santayana, and "The Relational Form of the Ontological Argument"

Rubin's Reply to Coleman

Rudiments of a Speculative Naturalist Philosophy

Sagas of the Spirit: On the Retrospections of George Santayana and Henry Adams

Santayana 75, 100, and 125 Years Ago

Santayana after September 11, 2001

Santayana and America

Santayana and Democritus Two Mutually Interpreting Philosophical Poets

Santayana and Goethe

Santayana and Greek Philosophy

Santayana and his Political Circumstances

Santayana and Making Claims on the Spiritual Truth about Matters of Fact

Santayana and Neoplatonism

Santayana and Panpsychism

Santayana and Spinoza on Philosophic Liberty 

Santayana and the Arts

Santayana and the Avant-garde: Visual Arts in the Context of Democracy, Norms, Liberty, and Social Progress 

Santayana and Valery

Santayana and Voice

Santayana as a Stoic Pragmatist in John Lachs's Interpretation

Santayana: Culture and Creativity

Santayana: Genius of the Closet 

Santayana in 1895: A Philosopher in the Making

Santayana in 1896: The Sense of Beauty and Studies in England

Santayana in 1920--Places and Books

Santayana in 1921: Madrid, Avila, Paris, Rome ("All Roads Lead There")

Santayana in 1945--Year of Recovery

Santayana in 1946, Part 1 - Parcels, Family, Visitors, Health, Politics

Santayana in Rome

Santayana, Judaism, and the Jews

Santayana, Literary Psychologist: A Response to Nayeli Riano

Santayana on Causation

Santayana on Colour: Collisions with Contemporary Thought

Santayana on Communism in the Light of His Correspondence

Santayana on Culture and Religion

Santayana on James: 1891

Santayana on Limited Government

Santayana on Nietzsche

Santayana on Propositions

Santayana on Public Opinion

Santayana on the Holocaust and the Nazis

Santayana on Value: Expressivism, Self-knowledge and Happiness

Santayana or Descartes? Meditations on Scepticism and Animal Faith

Santayana Prefers Blondes

Santayana Read from a Perspective of Polish Post-Communism

Santayana, Shakespeare, and Dramatizing Doubt in Hamlet

Santayana 75, 100 and 125 Years Ago

Santayana's Absolute Idealist: Timothy Sprigge

Santayana's Anti-Romanticism versus Stevens's New Romanticism

Santayana's Autobiography and the Development of his Philosophy

Santayana's Bifurcationist Theory of Time

Santayana's Critique of Modernity and His Repression of Emerson

Santayana's Gliding Toward Disengagement: 1912-1914

Santayana's God

Santayana's Hermeneutic Politics

Santayana's Idea of the Tragic

Santayana's Lectures on Aesthetics

Santayana's Letter about Daniel Cory

Santayana's Limited Pragmatism

Santayana's Neglect of Hartshorne's Alternative

Santayana's Neo-Platonism

Santayana's Ontology and the Nicene Creed

Santayana's Peirce

Santayana's Philosophy of Love

Santayana's Pragmatism and the Comic Sense of Life

Santayana's Repression of Goethe

Santayana's Review of Dewey's Experience and Nature: Pivotal Expression of a Philosophy of Living Nature and Vivacious Spirit

Santayana's Sublime: The Empyrean of Essence and the Contemplation of Pure Being

Santayana's "The Genteel Tradition in American Philosophy," Derrida, and the Ghosts of Idealism

Santayana's Treatment of Teleology 

Santayana's Troubled Distinction: Aesthetics and Ethics in The Sense of Beauty

Santayana's Unbearable Lightness of Being: Aesthetics as a Prelude to Ontology

Santayana's Way of Life and Ours

Santayana's Whitman Revisited

Santayana: Some Recollections and Asides

Second International Conference on George Santayana

Second Toast

Self-Knowledge and Psychology: Literary, Dialectical, and Scientific

Sensibility, Pragmatism, and Modernity

Sentimental Time and the Sense of Rationality

Six Aspects of Santayana's Philosophy

Skepticism, Romanticism and "Penitent Art"

Some Abbreviations for Santayana's Works

Some Reflections on Santayana's Dominations and Powers

Spirit Within The Life of Reason

Spirit's Primary Nature is to be Secondary

Spirituality and Moral Struggle 

Spirituality Without Moral Concerns

Submission Guidelines

Substrative Materialism

That Bit has its Unfading Color

The 'Spanishness' of Santayana

The Absence of Religion in Shakespeare: Dewey and Santayana On Shakespeare and Religion

The Ascent of Spirit: Is Santayana's System a Naturalistic Neo-Platonic Hierarchy?

The Authorship of Life: Narrative and Dramatic Strategies of Sustaining Self-Integrity in Santayana with Reference to Paul Ricoeur

The Autonomy of Spirit

The Bulletin and other Websites

The Critical Importance of the Santayana Edition

The Democritean Tradition in Santayana, Nietzsche, and Montaigne

The Democritean Tradition in Santayana, Nietzsche, and Montaigne, Part II

The Democritean Tradition in Santayana, Nietzsche, and Montaigne, Part III

The Enduring Value of Santayana's Philosophy

The Genteel Tradition Revisited

The Importance of God as an Idea

The Legacy of Humanism in the Works of George Santayana: Modest Philosophical Investigations on a Rational Animal's Humanism

The Letters of George Santayana

The Life of the Spirit in Santayana, Stevens, and Williams

The Meaning of Self-Knowledge in Santayana's Philosophy

The Most Extraordinary of Santayana's Friends: Review of Derham's Bertrand's Brother

The Notion of the Tragic in Santayana's Thought

The Other Side of the Mountain: Wallace Stevens's Poem and "The Watershed of Criticism"

The Pathetic Fallacy in Santayana

The Philosophical and Interpretive Import of Santayana's Marginalia

The Place of Santayana in Modern Philosophy

The Possibility of an Empiricist Naturalism: Dewey and Santayana

The Primordial Myth of The Bad Mother and the Good Mother in Persons and Places and The Last Puritan

The Problem of Theoretical Self-Reflexivity in Peirce and Santayana

The Quarrel Between Poetry and Philosophy

The Rival Naturalisms of Dewey and Santayana

The Santayana Edition

The Second International Conference on George Santayana

The Spirit's Alchemicana

The Stories We Tell: Review of Narrative Naturalism

The Three Lives of George Santayana at Harvard

The Website of the Bulletin and other Websites

Thinking in the Ruins: Two Overlooked Responses to Contingency

Three Stages of Spirituality

Time cover. February 3, 1936

Timothy Sprigge, Philosopher

Tragic Tension and Ancient Quarrels: Reflections on Philosophers at Court

Turning to Santayana

Two Philosophical Psychologists

Ultimate Religion

Un Hôte de Passage - Les cahiers français de George Santayana

Un Matrimonio

Unmasking Bergson: Cosmic Agoraphobia, Literary Psychology and Death

Variations on a Given Theme

What Good is Irony?

What Grounds the Categories? Peirce and Santayana

Whither Santayana's Aesthetics?

William James and George Santayana The Extent of a Philosophic Vision

Aaron, Daniel, 1912-

Alexander, Thomas M., 1952-

Altman, Matthew C.

Ames, Eugenia

Amir, Lydia

Anderson, Douglass

Anton, John Peter, 1920-

Atkins, Richard Kenneth

Ballowe, James

Beard, Phillip L.

Bender, Kirsten A.

Bregman, Jay

Bresnahan, Aili

Brodrick, Michael, 1980-

Bruce, John

Chastain, Drew

Colapietro, Vincent

Coleman, Martin A.

Conner, Frederick W.

Cronan, Todd

Davis, Tom

Dawidoff, Robert

De Ureta, Andrés Tutor

Derham, Ruth

DeTar, Richard

Dilworth, David A., 1934-

Eddy, Bethel L.

Edwards, James C., 1943-

Faison, Stephen E.

Fisch, Max Harold, 1900-

Flamm, Matthew Caleb

Forster, Paul

Frost, Kristine W.

Gahan, William

Gale, Richard M.

Garcia, Cesar

Garrett, Brian Jonathan 

Gouinlock, James

Green, Sarah

Griswold, Jerry

Grossman, Morris

Grote, Simon

Hansen, Jennifer

Heney, Diana

Hickman, Larry

Hodges, Michael P.

Holzberger, William G.

Horvath, Nora

Houser, Nathan

Irazusta, Julio

Kerr-Lawson, Angus

Kirby-Smith, H. T. (Henry Tompkins), 1938-

Kirker, Harold

Kremplewska, Katarzyna

Kuntz, Paul Grimley, 1915-

Lachs, John

Lengyel, Cornel Adam

Levinson, Henry S.

Lovely, Edward W., 1938-

Lyon, Jeremy

Lyon, Richard C.

Madigan, Tim, 1962-

McCormick, John, 1918-

McDermid, Douglas

McDermott, John J. (John Joseph), 1932-

Michelsen, John M.

Miller, Marjorie

Moreno, Daniel

Mueller, Veronica

Ogle, Nancy Ellen

Padron, Charles

Pinkas, Daniel

Porte, Joel

Putnam, Hilary

Putnam, Ruth Anna

Renzetti, Roberto, 1944-

Resler, Johanna E.

Riano, Nyeli L.

Robson, John M.

Rosenberg, Leo T.

Rubin, Richard M.

Saatkamp, Herman J. 

Santayana, George, 1863-1952

Sapp, Eric Craig

Seaton, James, 1944-

Shaughnessy, Edward L., 1932-

Shook, John R.

Singer, Beth J., 1927-

Singer, Irving

Skowroński, Krzysztof Piotr

Sopuck, Forrest Adam

Sparshott, Francis Edward, 1926-

Splawn, Clay

Sprigge, Timothy L. S.

Stambovsky, Phillip, 1952-

Stefannelli, Alba

Stoneman, Brita

Stuhr, John J.

Strong, Charles Augustus, 1862-1940

Tejera, V. (Victorino)

Tiller, Glenn A.

Trotter, Griffin, 1957-

Valdes Villanueva, Luis Ml.

Wahman, Jessica

Wapinski, David

Wenkart, Henny

Whittemore, Robert C. (Robert Clifton), 1921-

Wokeck, Marianne Sophia

Wood, Harry

Woodward, Anthony

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