
Running from 1977 to 1983, WOMANKIND was a local feminist newspaper, conceived by, and published for women. Many of the writers have IU Indianapolis roots including founding, regular author and IU Indianapolis English professor, Rebecca Pitts. The newspaper includes editorials, research, poetry, stories, ads, and reviews of local exhibitions.

The inaugural paper’s Editorial,

With this first edition an idea and a dream become a reality—for us and we hope for you—because WOMANKIND is your paper. We want you to participate in this paper. Send us any material you want to have published and contact us if you can help us in any way—typing, distributing our paper, or selling ads for it. We mean this! If you do not answer this call to participate and subscribe we may not survive. We hope you like our first attempt and are not too critical of it. We intend to get better as we get older. We at WOMANKIND are "Pro-Woman"; we are not "Anti-Man." However, we were told (by a man) to give our audience of mainly women "plenty of photos and little reading material," We were unable to do this nor did we particularly want to—for we believe you can read, can write, can learn—and also do more than just "look at the pictures." We have met many exceptional women while putting this paper together; we hope to meet many more. Through the printed page we plan to introduce you to or reacquaint you with special women of the past, the present and the future. We believe all women are special and that we share the common bond of womanhood. We at WOMANKIND extend our hands in friendship and sisterhood—to each unique member of womankind everywhere.

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