Gary R. Maixner III
Subjects: Communication Studies
Team: Educational Services , User Experience
Office: 3135Q
Phone: (317) 274-8336

Gary Maixner is the User Experience Librarian and Liaison to Communication Studies at IU Indianapolis. He received his BA in English from the University of Nebraska-Lincoln in 2010 and his MLIS from the University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana in 2013. He joined University Library in 2018.
His work here includes managing the library’s website, redesigning our digital tools to match the demands of our patrons, and managing library projects to completion. He is known to stand by the door with candy bars to entice students to participate in usability tests for the library.
His research interests include game-based learning, the patron experience in the library, and library project management. He has been a game designer and artist for several educational board games.
In his free time he plays guitar, miniatures games, and draws comic books.