Dr. Gemmicka Piper
Subjects: Africana Studies , English , Film Studies , Languages & Cultures
Team: Educational Services
Office: 1115Y
Phone: (317) 274-0978
Email: piperg@iu.edu

As the humanities librarian I remain fluid in my research support. Primarily, I assist lower-level students and individuals with little to no prior familiarity with doing academic research get started. To do my best job, I work in collaboration with the faculty member requesting an information session. I like to customize my instruction as much as possible to meet the needs of an individual classroom session. Outside of instruction, I work with graduate level students and faculty in a one-on-one capacity with more advanced support such as thesis/topic development, as well collecting and organizing information for research and publication. Aside from this, I assist faculty who are preparing P&T dossiers with navigating the bibliometrics aspects of their cases as well as with getting their scholarship loaded into IU Indianapolis’s open access institutional repository, ScholarWorks. I can assist with either addressing or redirecting you as may be needed to appropriate resources as it pertains to questions of open access, open educational resources, and copyright.
My background is in English Literature focusing on 20th and 21st century African American literature and Culture. My interests have shifted away from primary text and more into the surrounding issues of scholarship publication and citation for authors and researchers who identify as part of a racial or ethnic minority. Additionally, my research interests include Afrofuturism, digital humanities, open access, and the application of graphic novel and comic format in promoting information literacy pedagogy.