IU Indianapolis University Library Announces Holeman Gift to the Herron Art Library

Herron Art Library, located in the Herron School of Art + Design, a full-service branch of the IU Indianapolis University Library, recently received an unexpected gift of nearly $490,000 from the estate of artist book collectors Mark and Carmen Holeman.  

The Holeman’s legacy of giving began in February 2005 when Mark and Carmen Holeman and then Director of the Herron Art Library, Sonja Lehman, discovered a shared passion and appreciation for artist’s books, an artistic expression medium that uses the form and/or function of a book as inspiration.  As a result of that first meeting the Holeman’s were inspired to gift their personal collection of 241 fine quality artist’s books, fine press books, and books about the book arts to the Herron Art Library.  The couple continued supporting the Herron Art Library for many years including funding the installation of beautiful, museum quality display cabinets, reading tables, library service desk, and beautiful matching wood paneling throughout the library.

Impact of Gift: Acquisitions, Programming, and Student Success

The Holeman’s early gifts jumpstarted the Herron Fine Press / Book Arts Collection which has long been a core resource for the Herron School of Art + Design’s book arts curriculum. Approaching 700 items the collection includes several books by prominent book artists such as: Julie Chen, Rebecca Goodale, Lois Morrison, Carol Schwartzot, Bonnie Stahlecker, Karen Baldner, and Paul Brown.  

The surprise additional bequest from the Holeman’s will allow the Herron Art Library to continue selecting exquisite works of art demonstrating excellent craftsmanship, unique art structures and materials, and representing diverse themes.  Additional use includes but also sharing the collection widely through artist lectures and supporting art students both working creatively with the collection but also employment opportunities helping organize and preserve the unique books.

Learn more about Herron Art Library.

View Herron Art Library’s fine press and book arts collection.

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