This month, the Ruth Lilly Special Collections & Archives welcomed a new team member, Molly LaPorte. Prior to stepping into her new role, Molly worked for the library as a staff member and before that, a part-time student. If you haven’t had the chance to get to know Molly, here’s a short introduction by interview.
What is your role at University Library?
I'm the Philanthropic Studies Archivist in the Ruth Lilly Special Collections and Archives.
Where are you from and where did you go to school?
I'm originally from central Pennsylvania, but I attended the University of Louisville in Kentucky for my BA in history and humanities, and I received my MLIS from IU Indianapolis.
What did you do before joining the library?
Before I joined the library, I worked in the court reporting industry. I helped create transcripts of court proceedings, forensic interviews, and depositions.
What are your hobbies and what do you do for fun?
When I'm not in the library, I like cooking and playing board games with my spouse. I also enjoy doing yoga and gardening, and I've recently taken up knitting.
If there was one tip you would share with researchers and/or readers about open access, what would it be?
You don't always have to physically come to the archives to see our collections. Many archives have a growing number of digitized and open access collections available on their websites. We can't digitize everything, but we do work to expand access to our most requested collections.
What is the best way to get in touch if a patron needs information about the Philanthropy Archives?
You can fill out our Ask an Archivist form on our website, or you can email us directly at speccoll@iu.edu.