Sara Lowe
Subjects: Journalism , Philosophy , Political Science , Public Affairs , Religious Studies , Women’s, Gender, and Sexuality Studies
Team: Senior Leadership
Office: UL1112F
Phone: (317) 274-0349

I received my BA in History and Minor in Women’s Studies from the University of Missouri-Columbia and my Master of Library Science and MA in History from Indiana University-Bloomington.
I’ve worked in a variety of libraries since receiving my MLS. I’m currently the Associate Dean for Educational Services at University Library. In my role I work with other subject librarians to integrate Information Literacy concepts into the IU Indianapolis curriculum as well as connect faculty and students to information. I truly love my job and the opportunity to teach students how to find, use, evaluate, and create information (aka Information Literacy). It is a set of competencies that not only help students succeed while in college, but importantly after graduation in their careers and in their daily lives.
Prior to my current role, I was Educational Development Librarian at University Library. Before coming to IU Indianapolis, I was the Assessment Librarian at the Claremont Colleges Library in Southern California. Before that, I was a Law Librarian at the Drake University Law School in Des Moines, IA. I’ve also worked in public libraries and community college libraries.
When not at work, I enjoy quilting and traveling.