From the Dean's Desk

Greetings University Library Friends, Supporters, and Colleagues,
In February, we welcomed a new Chancellor, Dr. Latha Ramchand, to IU Indianapolis. Chancellor Ramchand has been taking time to tour campus and meet with every dean and many school and library employees, visiting the Library on February 21. Chancellor Ramchand spent an afternoon with us hearing about our priorities, accomplishments, needs, and engaging in conversation. I look forward to working with Chancellor Ramchand as we become IU Indianapolis and focus on our new strategic IU Indianapolis Pillars of: Student Success and Opportunity, Transformative Research and Creativity, and Service to our State and Beyond.
View a photo gallery of Chancellor Ramchand's library visit.
Kristi L. Palmer
Herbert Simon Dean of IUPUI University Library
LEAD Award
University Library was one of the recipients the 2024 Library Excellence in Access and Diversity (LEAD) Award from Insight Into Diversity magazine. Checkout the article on our website for more information about the award.

Ed Fujawa

Kudos to University Library community board member Ed Fujawa on several recent accomplishments! He was named one of the Indiana Historical Society's Hubert Hawkins History Award winners for displaying distinguished service in local history. Ed's blog, Class 900 is an excellent resource in Indianapolis history and it led to him authoring his first book, Vanished Indianapolis , which also focuses on Indianapolis history. Ed was also our honoree at this year's IUPUI Spirit of Philanthropy Awards for helping bring the Jungclaus-Campbell collection to light (see story below about the collection).
Dr. LaWanda Jobe
Congratulations to author and IUPUI alumna Dr. LaWanda Jobe on receiving the Torch Awards for Ethics - Character of Leadership from the Better Business Bureau Serving Central Indiana! University Library was happy to host Dr. Jobe's interview and photoshoot with the Better Business Bureau, which highlighted this amazing accomplishment.

IU Day

In honor of this year's IU Day (April 17), University Library relaunched our newly revamped "Honor with Books" program. "Honor with Books" gives you the opportunity to pay tribute to someone important in your life with an electronic bookplate in the catalog entry of a book of your choice. This unique tribute will serve as a lifelong memory of your special relationship and is the perfect gift for holidays and celebrations!
Faculty & Staff Recognition
Our Library has some pretty awesome faculty & staff members that are constantly serving as leaders, not just at University Library, but also in the overall academic library world. Please help us celebrate recent accomplishments by our some of our beloved faculty & staff members.
- Heather Coates was interviewed for an article in The Nature Career Column titled Is it time for tenure to evolve? After a spate of high-profile tenure denials, US academics are rethinking how this beleaguered academic process can be made more fair.
- Billy Tringali presented at the Popular Culture Association of the South conference on ‘The Monsters are REAL?’ –New Orleans, Popular Culture, and Scooby-Doo on Zombie Island.
- Nikki Johnson presented a poster at the Association for Library and Information Science Education (ALISE) conference titled Inclusive Library Leadership: ILLID Focus Group. Nikki also spoke on that same topic along with Dean Kristi Palmer at the Indiana Library Federation annual conference.
- Mahasin Ameen, along with Sara Lowe & Gemmicka Piper published an article titled “Motivations for the Creation of Social Justice Guides: A Survey of ARL Member Institutions.” Mahasin also presented at the Indiana Library Federation conference on “Objective librarianship: Navigating information literacy in the age of misinformation.” And Mahasin has been named as part of the American Library Association’s 2024 Class of Emerging Leaders.
- Sonja Lehman was featured in the Greenwood Daily Journal for her role as Artist in Residence at the Greenwood Public Library.
- Stephen Lane presented on Lillian Hall, Indiana’s first Black librarian, in commemoration of Indianapolis Public Library’s 150th anniversary. Stephen has also presented about “The Drag Queens of Indiana Avenue” for the Circle Side Chat program. And as a scholar in residence at Speculative Play and Just Futurities Project, Stephen has presented on creating your own zine and “Kicking up dust: A critical look at archival collection practices and the construction of Indiana history.”
- DeeDee Davis also participated in the Circle Side Chat program and gave a presentation called “The Magic Circle”.
- Lucy Brys, Lisa Calvert, and Jere Odell prepared “Fails and Wins: IUPUI ScholarWorks outreach approaches” for the Academic Libraries of Indiana Communication Group webinar.
- Former student employee Olivia Van Renterghem was named “Indiana’s Outstanding Student Art Teacher of 2023” by the Art Education Association of Indiana.
- Denise Rayman and Olivia Sipocz presented “Take the data, leave the CD-ROMs: Rescuing information from legacy databases” at the Digital Library Federation Forum.
- Joycelynn Marshall has graduated with a Master’s degree in Human Resource Management from Indiana Wesleyan University.
Atrium Sculpture

Congratulations to Herron art student Walter Egan on creating the latest sculpture to hang in University Library's atrium. The piece is titled "The Chrysalis" and is 12 feet long, 6.5 feet wide, and 6.5 feet tall. To learn more about the sculpture, including what inspired Walter to create it, read our news release.
2024 Libraries & Literacy Symposium
Our 2nd Annual Indiana Libraries and Literacy Symposium was a major success as people from all across the state and beyond came together to discuss and learn about civic literacy. We want to say "thank you" to everyone that attended and if you were not able to attend, be sure to checkout our symposium resource page to see all that happened.

2022-2023 Fact Book

Do you want to know how many library cards we issued in academic year 2022-2023? Can you guess how many questions our Service & Information Desk answered during that same timeframe? Find out this information and more in the latest issue of the UL Fact Book.
Jungclaus-Campbell Collection
Over recent months, we have hosted two separate events for the launch of our Jungclaus-Campbell digital archives collection. The nearly 150 year old company has built some of the most prominent and well-recognized buildings in Indianapolis such as the Madam C.J. Walker building, Perry Stadium, & the Coca-Cola Bottling Company. Attendees of both events were able to learn more about the company's history by viewing some never seen before historical videos and photos as well as hear from historians, archivists, and the current company owner about Jungclaus-Campbell's influence on the city of Indianapolis.

Planned Gift
Recently, University Library was made aware that we were the recipients of a gift that was a little over $470,000 from the estate of Carmen Holeman. Carmen and her husband Mark were longtime supporters of the Herron Art Library (a branch of University Library) and their Artists' Books collection. While both Mr. & Mrs. Holeman passed away in 2020, we would like to take the time to publicly acknowledge them for their lifelong generosity and legacy.
To learn more about planned and estate gifts, please visit this information page or contact Tanika Scott at
Alumni Library Resources
Did you know that IU/IUPUI alumni still retain access to some library resources?
Seed Library
Are you an avid gardener or have recently been thinking about starting a container garden? If so, then we have seeds for you!
Library Hours
For our current hours of operation, please refer to our website.

Library Cards for Residents
Residents of the State of Indiana aged 18 years or older can get an IUPUI University Library Borrower’s Card if they visit our Reference Desk to complete an Indiana Resident Library Card/User Agreement and provide a photo ID and proof of current address.
Would you Like to Make a Gift?
If you are interested in making a gift to University Library, contact Tanika Scott (Director of Development) at 317-278-2322 or You can also visit our Make A Gift page for additional information.
Photo Caption Contest
Our monthly photo caption contest, put on by the IUPUI University Library Special Collections and Archives, is a chance to attach your funny captions to some of our favorite IUPUI photos from our huge collection. Each month, the funniest caption (as judged by the expert judges in Special Collections and Archives) wins a fabulous prize! Click the button below to add your caption to this month’s photo and review previous months.