On-Demand Articles

University Library provides you with access to hundreds of journal subscriptions; yet, there are thousands of active journals publishing content every day. The Articles on Demand and Interlibrary Loan services allow the Library to deliver you articles from journals to which the Library does not subscribe, fast.


If you need an article or book chapter, our OpenILL request form that will attempt to locate an available copy before sending the request to other libraries. It's a relatively new tool, so please let us know if it links you to the wrong article.


For other requests or to view your account details, please log in to Interlibrary Loan.

Articles On Demand Service

Our Articles On Demand service allows IU Indianapolis faculty to order copies of journal articles not available in the Library’s collections without mediation from library staff. The articles are typically delivered to the faculty member an hour or less, and University Library will absorb any costs.

See the Articles On Demand Guide for detailed information.

Interlibrary Loan Service

For many years, Interlibrary Loan has been the Library’s central service for delivering content outside of the Library’s collections, and it remains a vital method for obtaining articles, books, book chapters, conference proceedings, and other materials.

Questions? Check out our FAQs.