Recalls are processed as a last resort, after all other borrowing options have been exhausted. A patron can only request a recall if the material isn't available at another IU Library or through interlibrary loan. Only items owned by University Library may be recalled. We are unable to place recalls on items owned by other IU Libraries. Current IU Indianapolis students, staff, and faculty may request a recall by filling out the request form. Indiana resident users are ineligible to place recalls.
Materials needed for course reserves will be recalled immediately.
Requested materials can be picked up at the Service & Information Desk.
Submitting a Recall Request
Fill out and submit the Recall Request Form. If your request meets the criteria described above, a recall will be placed and you will be sent an email confirmation. When the recalled item arrives, you will receive an email notification.
Recall Notices
All books checked out are subject to recall for another library user when the current borrower has been given at least a two-week borrowing period. If materials checked out to you have been recalled, the original due date has been shortened, and you have 10 days to return them to the library. Recalled items are not eligible for renewal, and failure to return a recalled item by the recall due date will result in a minimum fine of $25 and the suspension of borrowing privileges.
Hold Requests for Guest Borrowers
Indiana resident users who wish to borrow materials from Auxiliary Library Facility (ALF) Services may do so. Once the item has been placed in transit, the user will be notified by email upon its arrival. Requests for delivery usually take 3 - 7 working days for processing and delivery.
Please note that overdue fines and fees charged for materials borrowed from B-ALF are not payable to University Library.