The University Library Center for Digital Scholarship managed a somewhat sleepy social media account on Twitter from 2014 to November 2022. We used the account to share events, updates, and celebrations related to the work that we do for the IU Indianapolis campus and the Indianapolis community.
On March 13, 2023, IUPUI ScholarWorks made available item number 30,000. IUPUI ScholarWorks was launched in late 2003 by the IUPUI libraries as a tool to support the open access sharing of works authored by campus scholars. It grew slowly at first, but with a little bit of elbow grease and a whole lot of collaboration with faculty and organizations, it is now one of the largest institutional repositories in Indiana.
At IUPUI we work for Open Access every week of the year. So, when OA Week rolls around, it’s a good time to reflect on why we’re doing this and on the fruits of our labor.Why We Work for Open
Are you stuck with a corporate publisher that doesn’t actually care about research? What if the whole editorial board quit?
That’s what happened at the Journal of Informetrics.