Digital Collections

Columbus Indiana Architectural Archives

The Columbus Indiana Architectural Archives was created to collect, conserve, preserve, and promote the use of records that document the architecture, engineering, and arts associated with the built environment of Columbus, Indiana and Bartholomew County. The archives' collection includes materials on both Historical and Modernist projects, including many of the 60 plus designs by world famous architects of the last half century that are located in Bartholomew County.

Indiana Historic Sites and Structures Inventory

Every year since 1978 Indiana Landmarks has surveyed from two to four counties, looking for architecturally and historically significant structures and districts. Field surveyors drive every road in the county, identifying, documenting, and photographing historic sites and structures. IU Indianapolis University Library has partnered with the Indiana Landmarks to make out-of-print reports available to the public via the web.

Indiana Landmarks Historic Architecture Collection

A Library Services Technology Grant allowed IU Indianapolis to begin digitization of Indiana Landmarks' slide collection, now making it available to the public. The collection contains images from the early 1960s through present day and captures historic architecture throughout the state. Educators will find the collection useful in documenting architectural styles and Indiana history. Old house enthusiasts will find ideas for paint colors, restoration techniques, and inspiration.

Indiana Landmarks Wilbur D. Peat

Wilbur Peat served as director of the John Herron Art Museum in Indianapolis from 1929-1965. During that time he authored Indiana Houses of the Nineteenth Century, a seminal work on residential architectural styles. Indiana Landmarks holds much of Peat’s architectural collection. Among the items is a set of articles by Agnes McCulloch Hanna who wrote a column on Indiana architecture for the Indianapolis Star and Indianapolis News. Contained within the collection are copies of Hanna’s articles from 1928-1952.

Indiana Preservationist

Since 1971, Indiana Landmarks'  member magazine Indiana Preservationist has provided information about historic Hoosier places, architectural styles, preservation issues, threats to landmarks and efforts to save and preserve our state’s heritage. Members of Indiana Landmarks receive the bi-monthly magazine as a benefit of membership. The collection contains the full text of articles from 1971 to recent years.


Content from the Jungclaus-Campbell Company's safe including images capturing these iconic buildings during their construction phases as well as record books documenting the various bids and contractors participating in this work.

Keystone View Company Lantern Slides

The Keystone View Company was the largest stereographic company in the world, specializing in national and international geographic and social science images.  The 488 slides in this digital collection include images from the Americas, Europe, Asia, Africa, and Australia. They depict scenes from agricultural, industrial, commercial, urban, rural, transportation, nature, historical and daily life situation. Images date from the 1890s through the early twentieth century.